All you need to protect, you and your family from flu and bugs, in one bottle.

Ingredient List

The ingredients in Virogo have been hand selected by our founders, who are both practicing US doctors. Each packs a serious dose, which when blended together into this powerful cocktail, adds a layer of protection to your immunity, helping you keep healthy this winter.



(protects the brain, heart and liver)
The name Quercetin has been used since 1857 and is derived from quercetum meaning Oak Forest. In plants Quercetin helps regulate plant growth. This flavonoid has many properties which include anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant properties. It also stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis. Quercetin has been shown to be neuroprotective cardio protective and hepatoprotective.

Camellia Sinensis
(Green Tea) Leaf Extract

(protects brain and anti-inflammatory)
Green tea green tea originated in China going back to 2737 B.C. Not until the 14th century did it become accessible for medical purposes. Green tea has been extensively studied and found to contain active constituents called polyphenols which are called cateclins and catechins both are powerful free radical scavengers and have potent anti-inflammatory properties EGCG is neuroprotective.



(protects the brain, heart and liver)
Hesperidin was first isolated in 1828 by a French chemist. Hesperidin is a flavonoid found mostly in the white inner layer of citrus peels and plants. Hesperidin is involved in plant immune defense. This flavonoid has been shown to influence the immune function in both the acquired and innate immune systems. Hesperidin has also been shown to be neuro-protective, cardio-protective and hepatoprotective.


(protects the brain, heart and liver)
A form of naringenin was first discovered in flowers in 1857. In plants it is important for defensive responses. This flavonoid has many properties including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral properties. Naringenin has been shown to be neuroprotective, cardioprotective and hepatalprotective.


Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple stems. It is valued for its potential anti-inflammatory, digestive, and immune-boosting properties. Bromelain supplements are commonly used to support digestion, reduce swelling, alleviate sinusitis symptoms, and aid in post-surgical recovery.


(improves circulation and cardiovascular health)
Rutin was first discovered in 1842 by the pharmacist/chemist August Weiss in Germany. It is a flavonoid compound found in certain fruits, vegetables, and plants. It is commonly used for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Various studies have shown its’ benefits as anti-inflammatory. Additional studies have shown it is beneficial in promoting cardiovascular health, reducing oxidative stress and improving blood circulation


Ursolic Acid

(protects the brain, and liver, anti cancer)
Ursolic Acid was first found in the 1920s. It is a naturally occurring compound found in certain plants such as apple peels, basil and rosemary. Studies have shown it has potential health benefits as it is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer properties. Ursolic acid has been shown to support muscle growth, improve metabolic health and is neuro and hepato-protective.


(protects kidney, heart liver and brain)
Resveratrol was first isolated in 1940 by Japanese researcher Michio Takaoka. it is found in the skin of grapes, blueberries, raspberries and peanuts. Resveratrol has been found to be hepato, neuro and renal protective. Other effects attributed to this compund are anti-aging, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)

(boosts immunity, increases energy, anti-cancer)
Vitamin D was first discovered in 1932. It is found in foods such fish, liver, eggs and cheese. It can also be produced following exposure to the sun. Vitamin D3 is important for calcium absorption, bone growth and remodelling, regulation of muscle contractions and the conversion of blood glucose into energy. It is an anti-inflammatory, boost immunity and facilitates mitochondrial function.

Zinc (Citrate)

(improves immunity anti-viral)
Zinc was first recognized by a German Chemist in 1746. It has been found to be important in the development of the innate immunity neutrophils and macrophages and also the adaptive immunity involving the B and T lymphocytes. Zinc inhibits viral replication. Studies have shown even a milk zinc deficiency depresses immunity.


(anti-inflammatory and improves brain health)
Turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice commonly used in cooking and traditional medicine. It contains curcumin, a compound with powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric has been studied for its potential benefits in reducing inflammation, improving brain health, supporting joint function, and promoting overall well-being.


(protects the brain, heart and anti cancer)
Luteolin was first isolated in 1829 by French Chemist Michel Eugène Chevreul. Luteolin is a natural flavanoid which was first used as a yellow dye since the first millenium BC. This flavanoid has been found in various fruits, vegetables and herbs. Recent studies have shown that Luteolin is neuro protective, anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective and exhibits anti-cancer properties.

Coenzyme Q-10

(increases energy)
First identified in 1957 by Frederick Crane at Purdue University, CoQ 10 is an antioxidant, is cardioprotective, helps with mitochondria function, and reduces fatigue. Coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ-10) is a naturally occurring compound found in every cell of the body, and plays a crucial role in energy production. CoQ-10 is commonly used as a dietary supplement to support heart health, boost energy levels, and protect against oxidative damage. It may also have potential benefits in managing certain conditions, such as migraines and statin-induced muscle pain.

Piper Nigrum (Black Pepper) Extract

(promotes absorbtion of nutraceuticals and improves digestion)
Black pepper is the flowering fruit of the species Piper Nigrum, the peppercorn. It was first used in 1500 BC in traditional Indian recipes. Black pepper helps with digestion, is an anti-inflammatory, improves brain function, has antioxidant properties, and helps with the absorption of other nutraceuticals. The extract of black pepper contains an active compound called piperine. Piperine has been studied for its potential health benefits, including enhancing nutrient absorption, promoting digestive health, and exhibiting antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used as a natural ingredient in supplements and traditional medicine.


(energy production protects heart and liver)
L-Carnitine was first discovered in 1905 by Gulewitsch, Krimberg, and Kutscher. It is produced in the body but also found in meat products. L-Carnitine is best known for involvement in energy production in the mitochondria along with CoQ-10 and Resveratrol. It has been shown to be cardio and hepato protective.

Vitamin K (MK7 Menaquinone)

(protects heart and brain and blood vessles)
Vitamin K was first discovered in 1929 at the University of Copenhagen. Some sources of vitamin K2 are Natto (fermented soy beans), cheese, beef liver and egg yolks. It is important in bone metabolism, brain function and skin health. Furthermore, K2 is important to inhibit blood vessel calcification and is found to be cardio and neuro protective.

Selenium (Glycinate)

(prevents clots in large vessles and protects the heart)
Selenium was first discovered in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1817. The richest sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, seafoods, cereals and dairy products. It has been found to increase cell mediated immunity, helps prevent viruses from penetrating cell membranes, and is an anti-oxidant. Selenium is found to prevent clots in large vessels, reduce platelet aggregation, and is cardio protective.


Lactoferrin (milk protein)

(protects the brain, heart and liver)
Lactoferrin is a multifunctional protein found in milk and other bodily fluids. It plays a crucial role in the immune system, helping to defend against microbial infections and regulate immune responses. Lactoferrin also exhibits antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, making it a subject of interest for its potential health benefits. Research suggests it may support gut health, boost immune function, and promote overall wellness.

Scutellaria Baicalensis (Skullcap) Root Extract

(protects the brain, liver and helps circulatory system)
First discovered around 100 BC in China and used in natural medicines for thousands of years, baicalin (found in the root extract of Skullcap) is neuroprotective, helps with relaxation, reduces inflammation, hepatoprotective (improves liver function), promotes good blood glucose levels, and helps with the circulatory system. Skullcap root extract is often used to reduce anxiety and support overall well-being.


(protects the brain, and anti cancer)
Fisetin was first discovered by Austrian chemist Josef Herzig in 1891. It is a natural flavanoid, found in various fruits and vegetables. Fisetin is known for it’s antioxidant properties. Various studies have shown that it is beneficial in promoting brain health such as age related cognitive, depression, and is neuro protective. Additional studies shows it has potential anti-cancer properties.


(protects heart and brain)
Spermidine is a polyamine compound naturally found in various foods, including wheat germ, soybeans, and aged cheese. First isolated in 1678 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch microbiologist, Spermidine has anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, as well as enhances respiration and metabolic function. Spermidine has also been found to help mitochondrial function, act as a cardio and neuroprotectant, and is an anti-aging agent.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

(boosts immunity)
The discovery of Vitamin C spanned 5 years (1928-1933) by multiple scientists. Sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, bell peppers, white potatoes and tomatoes. This vitamin is an anti-inflammatory, protects the cell against free radicals, is an anti-oxidant and helps in wound healing. Vitamin C works synergistically with bioflavonoids and is important for immunity.

Magnesium (Citrate)

(improves blood pressure important mineral in metabolic function)
Magnesium was first discovered by Joseph Black in 1755, Magnesium rich foods include pumpkin seeds, almonds, spinach, avocados and dark chocolate to name a few. It is an important co-factor in more than 300 enzyme systems in the body including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood sugar and blood pressure control.